Project Officer / SRH - Harm Reduction πŸŽ‰
  • Dar es salaam, Tanzania
  • viaMedecins du Monde Tanzania
2 years ago
Mid Level
Non Government Organization
2 - 5 years
Diploma or Bachelors degree in Social Work , Public Health or any related filed
Job Summary

The Project Officer is responsible for the quality of the Harm Reduction and Sexual and Reproductive Health project, ensuring constant and smooth communication and work with MdM implementing partners.

The Project Officer will lead the field mentoring of the implementing partners and collaborate in their capacity building, as well assist them in their coordination with other stakeholders linked to the project (Tanzanian civil society, iNGOs, authorities and law enforcers). 


Duties And Responsibilities


  • Contributes to the design of the yearly action plan
  • Informs about advocacy and training needs for the TRC action plan.

Project management

  • Ensures the quality and on time execution of project activities.
  • Follow-up of the financial forecast & expenditures of the project, reporting to the Prog. Co. about eventual deviations or risks.
  • Focal person for the implementing partners regarding the execution of activities.
  • Identifies variations in the context or in the needs of the beneficiaries / IPs and proposes corrective measures.
  • Informs and supports the crisis response team in each project location.
  • Contributes to the mapping of harm reduction and SRHR stakeholders, as well as in the community mobilization.
  • Focal person for the KVP groups (field visits, support requests, capacity building needs…) with the support of her/his managers. 
  • Participates in the trainings and capacity buildings conducted by the TRC when needed.
  • Collaborates in the sensitization of stakeholders such as Police, LGAs, etc.
  • Participates actively in the elaboration of project and activity reports. 
  • Contributes to the organization of sensitization sessions or workshops toward specific targets (including healthcare workers, police officers, policy makers) with the support of TRC manager
  • Co-facilitates sensitization sessions toward specific targets (including healthcare workers, police officers) with the support of TRC manager
  • Contributes to the production of IEC, communication and advocacy materials (booklets, leaflets, flyers, videos…) with MdM team

Education Other Skills Required
  • Diploma (or above) in Social Work, Nursing, Public Health or related field.
  • Specific trainings/courses in Harm Reduction field, Sexual and Reproductive Health, (Health-) project management will be considered as an valuable asset.
  • Knowledge of the KVP communities, their social and legal context in Tanzania is mandatory
  • Knowledge and at least 3 year experience of the HR comprehensive approach and posture is mandatory
  • Capacity to work with different populations: KVP (PWUD, SW, MsM, LGBTQI), local and international NGOs, institutions, healthcare workers, police officers, etc
  • Swahili, spoken and written
  • English spoken and written
  • MS Office knowledge (Medium)
  • Sense of responsibility
  • Rigorous and reliable 
  • High motivation 

People that are/have been part of KVP groups are strongly encouraged to apply. The interested Candidates should send their CVs and letters of motivation to:


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